If you are having solar power installed for your home or business, you must understand how easily a power surge can damage the system. Installing hardware protection can help limit the damage that is done to the system if a storm blows through your area. Often, you'll have limited notice, and you may not be close to your solar array to make adjustments on your own. That means that it is essential to have a regulator in the system to protect it from surges. There are numerous reasons to install this type of component in your solar power system, including the following:
Ensure Profitability
Installing a solar surge protector helps you ensure profitability for your solar project, whether it's a residential or industrial installation. Surges can quickly damage equipment, taking it down entirely in a matter of seconds. When you install protection against these surges, you can ensure that your project remains profitable, producing solar power consistently no matter the weather. That is especially important if you're trying to lower your home power bill and be less dependent on the grid overall, or if your business is dependent on utilizing solar power to keep your operating budget in check.
Keep Your System Running
A solar power system that ebbs and flows with weather issues can be unreliable. Even worse is a system that's shut down, even temporarily, by power surges. It's essential to keep your solar power equipment as safe as possible by installing a solar surge protector. These devices will help keep your entire solar array running so that you can always depend on the energy that they're producing for you.
Limit Potential Storm Damage
Electrical storms and lightning strikes can trigger dramatic damage to your solar power installation. If a surge protector does not protect it, you may find that a single lightning strike can damage one or more of the elements of your solar array. You can limit the potential storm damage to your system by adding dedicated surge protectors, helping to regulate power surges as they occur so that no component of your system becomes overloaded during a lightning storm.
When you're ready to install solar power equipment for your home or business, be sure to consult with the contractor about adding surge protectors as they set things up. A skilled contractor will be happy to do so to protect the work that they're doing, limiting the potential for future damage to your power system.